Voyager Spotlight: Prince

Prince is a little camera shy so he sent us this photo from Nuremberg, Germany and the mini essay below.
Meet Prince. 🙂 Owner and manager of the Birdie’s Nest Guest House, Tobago. Prince currently lives on the island of Tobago.
Home Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Where I’ve Been: Barbados, Grenada, Antigua, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, New York, Texas, Virginia, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy and a few other European countries I presently can’t remember.
Unforgettable Travel Moment: Missing a flight at the Bologna Airport in Italy due to indirectly missing a train at the terminal in Rome.
#1 Bucket List Destination: Israel.
My Travel Essentials: Nokia smart phone, a couple sets of underwear, towel and toothbrush.
What I have learnt while travelling: People are people, no matter how rich or poor, they are all basically the same.Â
The most difficult part of traveling is: When there are no tools or information about the place you are about to visit, it can  become challenging.
Travel tips for other Voyagers interested in budget world travel: Ensure and get robust/comprehensive information. Try to eat more street food as it tastes better and is always cheaper than food within or near your place of accommodation. It’s important to read the local newspaper of the country or destination area in order to have a sense of what is taking place and to use as a way of building communication with locals. When booking flights, try searching for flights at late hours; try doing a repeated search and searching, at least, a month before  departure to get good flight deals. Never buy an all-inclusive package unless  your budget can truly cater for it or it includes a great breakfast package that can aid you with a healthy meal on mornings — it is easy to eat light throughout the day to balance budget.
Photo: To some, this may be an everyday photo. To some, it’s just a picture.  However, this photo represents me. It’s not about the beautiful water plant in the river nor the medieval outskirts of the buildings that reflect the late 1800  and early 1900 civilizations. It is the contrast that  the scene stands for within my mind. It reminds me how nature, modern marvels, historic and medieval civilization can all coexist to create beauty and harmony without one interfering with the other.  This river actually has a system lower down that generates a percentage of electricity; the buildings are old – I can’t give exact dates as some were destroyed and some impartially destroyed in World War II –  but most were refurbished; the trees are said to be over a century old; and the plant in the lake  – I’m not sure what it is or its age  – but its elegance and brilliant vibrancy of colours is amazing. This truly represents me as the chameleon I am; how I adapt with grace. Prince is the name and this is how I see the world with me being part of it.
Connect with Prince at  🙂 Â