Voyager Spotlight: Asha


Asha Taylor

Meet Asha. 🙂 Asha is known online as the @​femmealquimista and currently resides in the DC Metro Area.

Home Country: United States​

Where I’ve Been: Canada, Costa Rica, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Cuba – International / Stateside: Georgia, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Florida, North & South Carolinas; Phoenix, AZ; Las Vegas, NV; Portland, OR; Minneapolis, MN.

​Unforgettable Travel Moment: ​Experiencing an earthquake in Costa Rica, while drinking a delicious red wine with a dear friend.​

#1 Bucket List Destination: Peru​.

My Travel Essentials: Passport, memorized phone contacts, journal, pen, water purifying bottle​.

What I have learnt while travelling: EVERYONE speaks the language of kindness and good energy!​

The most difficult part of traveling is: Customs, mostly when RETURNING to the U.S.​; AND adjusting to the transportation networks within other countries.

Travel tips for other Voyagers interested in budget world travel: Open your mind to hostels, homes, and host families for lodging; volunteer or education-based opportunities usually include lodging and food accommodations; believe in the kindness of strangers; a good traveler has no plans, and is not intent upon ‘arriving.’

To follow Asha’s travels, connect with her on Twitter @femmealquimista; Instagram @femmealchemista; or on WordPress at 🙂

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